“Born to Run” by Christopher Mcdougall explores the culture and science behind running. One of the most fascinating aspects of the book is the discussion around barefoot running and the potential benefits…
For centuries, humans have been walking and running barefoot. It’s how we evolved to move, and our feet are designed to perform in this way. However, with the advent of modern footwear,…
Durante siglos, los humanos han caminado y corrido descalzos. Es cómo evolucionamos para movernos y nuestros pies están diseñados para funcionar de esta manera. Sin embargo, con la llegada del calzado moderno,…
Si estás sufriendo de juanetes, usar calzados descalzos puede ser la respuesta a tus problemas de pies. Los juanetes son una afección común y dolorosa en la que la articulación del dedo…
If you’re suffering from bunions, wearing barefoot shoes may be the answer to your foot woes. Bunions are a common and painful condition in which the big toe joint becomes swollen and…
You’ve been thinking about it for a while, and now you’re ready to take the plunge! Congratulations on making a choice that will have a positive impact on your life and health.…
Have you been thinking of giving minimal shoes a try? This movement (pun intended) of going back to our feet in natural form and letting them do their thing, has been catching…